Sunday, November 6, 2005

Sunday musings

Just wondering. Why is it that most blogs and bloggers seem to take the weekend off?

Is most blogging done on company time? At company expense?

What do the companies think of that? Do they know it's going on?

Isn't there time on weekends to blog and read other blogs?

And so it goes.


Anonymous said...

What is this "weekend" of which you speak?

All of my blogging is done on company time, because I'm self-employed. (But expect a dropoff in posting this evening, since it's really hard to play fiddle and update webpages at the same time.)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't blog on the weekends because nobody reads anything I post on the weekends. My readership usually dips to about 25% of its normal weekday level on Satuday and even lower on Sunday.