Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Damn right

I tried for an hour to write something both witty and at the same time outraged at Senate Majority Leader Republican Bill Frist's little hissy-fit over the Democrats' move to call for a closed session to investigate the administration's lies heading us into the Iraq debacle.
But I couldn't come up with anything nearly as good as Damn Liberals' take. Here's an excerpt:
For all the liberals and progressive Democrats out there, as well as any American interested in why all the intelligence used to rail road this county into war turned out to be crapola, allow me to say just one thing to Mr. Frist:

Shut your fucking pie hole.

Just shut it. Your party used Rule 21 in the impeachment of Bill Clinton. Your party, under your leadership, routinely keeps five minute votes open for 45, 60, 90 minutes against Senate and House rules to twist arms until they get the vote they want. Your party's president has continually recommended judicial nominees without so much as even consulting with Democrats in a complete break from past practice, historical norms, and general respect. Your party's leadership is in the running to challenge Nixon's for the most indictments in this country's history!
I urge everyone to go to Damn Liberals and read the whole post.

I couldn't state it better myself. I know; I tried. (Well, I might have softened the profanity a bit.)

And so it goes.

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