Monday, August 15, 2005

Picking up the tab

I see State Rep. Naomi Jakobsson, D-Urbana, will buy coffee for her constituents from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. Tuesday at Aroma Cafe in Champaign.

Wonder who's gonna buy all that coffee? Sure would hate for her to use public money to keep constituents educated on legislative goings-on.

After all, it might anger some rightwing nattering nabobs of negativitism if she doesn't use campaign funds.

And so it goes


Anonymous said...

Oh, seriously.

You cannot possibly compare buying coffee (which I'm sure she'll do personally) with spending $6,000 on a mailing that looks exactly like a campaign piece and is, at best, a huge distortion of her voting record on pensions.

And don't think it's only "rightwing nattering nabobs of negativitism" who were upset about the mailing. I've been contacted by dozens of non-Republican UI employees who were furious about it.


Ol' Guy said...

I would have been disappointed if you hadn't posted, IP. And if one political mailing (of course it was political, where's the debate? That's the perk of being in office; been that way for decades) makes you furious, you have a low fury level.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it was the temerity to tell such a bald-faced lie and ask the taxpayers to fund it after she'd campaigned against such mailers that really made me furious. How's my fury level now?

Ol' Guy said...

The funny thing is that in all likelihood, she doesn't see it as a lie. And neither do many (though not all, I'd wager) of her supporters. It's just her interpretation against your interpretation against my interpretation. Shades of gray have many varied hues when we're talking Illinois politics. I'm sure she sees the mailer as strictly an educational piece telling her side of the story.

The fact that you (and I) interpret it differently is just a matter of opinion. To you, it's a political mailer. To me, it's a political mailer. To Naomi ... you'd have to ask her, but I think her interpretation is different than ours. Not right, not wrong, just diffferent.

Save your fury for something wrth it, like Blago's tattoo veto. Heh heh heh.