Saturday, July 2, 2005

Lest we forget

Check THIS link out. Or THIS. Or THIS.
To date, 1,745 Americans have died in Iraq. Another 15,000 to 38,000 have been wounded (Officially 12,855). And that doesn't count the 25,814 civilian deaths. These aren't numbers. They're people. Every one is someone's son or daughter. (Yeah, I know, Saddam killed Iraqi civilians, too. But there's a difference.)
It has cost us $180.5 billion so far.
And NO weapons of mass destructions have ever been found.
And NO al Quada connection has ever been found.
And NO terrorist camps.
And NO plans to spread worldwide terrorism have ever been found.
And, given the price at the pump, the oil isn't even flowing.
Anyone read the Downing Street memo yet?
Why, again, are we there?

And so it goes.

1 comment:

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have a great day!!