Monday, May 16, 2005

Say never

I keep hearing rumors that former Gov. Jim Edgar is thinking taking on Gov. Blago in a race for the governnor's mansion, giving GOPpers tiny little heart palpatations.

Or at least Edgar has said he'll never say never.

The latest from today's News-Gazette:

The two-term governor, who left office in 1999 after deciding not to run for a third term, said Friday he has no plans to become a candidate. But, he added, 'I never say never.'

Say never, Jim, say never.

Jim Edgar may look good to the GOP mostly because they're comparing ol' White Bread Jim to other recent GOP govs. Compared to them Jim's a choir boy. But, does anyone remember the MSI scandal?

Say you're flattered and then say never, Jim.

And so it goes.

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