Sunday, November 29, 2009

I think

--I think Christmas is coming way too fast.

--I think Florida used cars should be sold for more than those from other states because the turn signals have never been used.

--I think Repugnicants sure have short memories when talking about big government, wars and deficits.

--I think the Swine Flu emergency has been WAY overblown. And I suspect drug manufacturers, who are making a bundle, are fueling it.

--I think health care reform is absolutely necessary now. And I think the insurance companies will spend billions to block it. Because they'd rather control health care than return control to doctors.

--I think blaming the local economy's ills on 'illegals' is a cop-out. When half your economy is based on home sales and resales, and home sales are in the dumpster, how is that the illegals' fault?

--I think assuming that anyone with a hispanic surname is illegal is ignorant, racist and simple minded. Ignorant, racist and simple minded describes a majority of the non-hispanic population of SW Florida.

--I think I'm done - for now.

And so it goes.

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