Friday, October 3, 2008

Just sayin'

To all those blind GOPpers still orgasming over the moose-slaying Weatherchick:
Not making a complete ass of yourself is not the same as winning a debate.
And fortunately for America, voters are beginning to understand that
Two quick polls indicated that Biden fared better in the debate. A CBS News/Knowledge Networks Poll found that 46 percent of uncommitted voters who watched the debate thought Biden won, with 21 percent siding with Palin. A CNN poll found respondents judging Biden the winner by a margin of 51 percent to 39 percent.
To be fair, the Weatherchick did provide a few highlights
Palin tried to portray the Democrats as obsessed with the failures of President Bush even as she acknowledged his Republican administration was responsible for "huge blunders" in the war and elsewhere.
Uh, Sarah, you're still running on the Repugnicant ticket, 'member?
It became apparent early that Weatherchick's strategy was that no matter what the question, she was gonna repeat the lines the McSame handlers had forced her to memorize, whether or not they were relevant.
Palin also sidestepped certain questions, pivoting at times to talking points and generalities.

Asked by moderator Gwen Ifill if she would support legislation allowing debt-strapped mortgage holders to file for bankruptcy to get out from under that debt, Palin said yes but avoided details, quickly steering the focus back to a more general discussion of the "toxic mess" in the financial industry.

And asked how she as vice president would help reduce partisanship in Washington, she said, "Let's commit ourselves just every day American people, Joe Six Pack, hockey moms across the nation, I think we need to band together and say never again."

Wonder if she believes any of those hand-fed sound bites she spouted?

Wonder is she understands them?

And so it goes.

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