Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Looking in

Didn't realize how frustrating it would turn out being a D in a R conclave. Especially being a D when 64 percent (or more) of the voters are R.

To put it in perspective, yesterday was election day in SWFlorida. Of course I voted.

Not one single person I voted for was elected. Not one of the races was close.

Rs won. Incumbents won. Nothing changes. Around here, nothing ever changes. Change is a bad thing if you're as old as most of the voters around here. So: No change, thankyouverymuch.

Which means:
-- The Collier County School Board will remain in the hands of the corrupt cadre, threatening accreditation of every school in the district. The foxes are still running the hen house. The education of every student in Collier County is in jeopardy. But it appears that's OK with Collier County voters.

-- A Collier County Deputy will be the new sheriff. And that means four more years of corruption. Four more years of harassment, of profiling, of good-ol-boy networking and damned little actual policing. But it appears that's OK with Collier County voters.

-- Incumbents won on the Collier County Board. Which means four more years of kowtowing to developers and realtors and ignoring the people. But it appears that's OK with Collier County voters.

Frustrating. Discouraging.

And so it goes.

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