Get drilled:Whenever I hear a conservative complaining about the high cost of gasoline (yeah, those Rolls do get pretty bad mileage, I hear) the next thing I hear is that the government should start drilling in ANWR and the Gulf. That, we hear, will solve all our problems.
First, the government does not drill. Private industry drills.
Second, private industry is under no obligation to solve our gas price dilemma. They created it. They profit from it. They like it. Like it $49 billion profit per quarter. That's a lot of like.
Should we allow drilling in those areas, there is no guarantee that any of the crude pumped out will ever reach your pump. The oil conglomerates, just like the Arab sheiks, will sell the oil on the free market. The world market. And odds are, it will end up going to China, or Europe or somewhere other than Southwest Florida. It will not lower the price of gas here by a penny. You can take that penny to the bank.
You really think all that oil would go into domestic production for domestic sales? Naive, aren't you?
Because drilling in ANWR and the Gulf is not about lowering the price of gas. It's about raising he profits of the oil conglomerates.
You know, Bush's best buddies. Bush, if you remember, has been in the 'oil bidness' for a long time. And a lot of that time, he's been in bidness with his best buddies, the Saudi oil sheiks.
You really think it has anything to do with helping the American people? Other than those people who happen to be in the 'bidness?'
Not a chance.
Make it count.
A while back I expressed concern that my Florida primary vote (Democratic primary) wasn't gonna count.
Now, I'm even more concerned that it will.
To whit: The Democratic Party said that if we in Florida held our primary in January, they wouldn't count our votes or seat our delegates.
Pissed me off.
They also put down rules: Democratic candidates could not campaign in states holding 'illegal' primaries. That'd be us, folks.
All the candidates but one followed those rules. They did not campaign in Florida before the primary. All but one.
Now, one candidate is fighting mightily to have the Florida votes counted after all.
Funny. The one candidate who broke the rules, Hillary, is also the candidate fighting to have the votes counted. How generous of her, to try and get our votes counted. Our delegates seated.
Funny thing, since she was the only Democrat who campaigned here, she won the primary. Now she wants/needs 'her' votes.
OK, Democrats. Before, I said count my vote.
Now, DON'T count it.
Unless we all play fair, it isn't a fair primary for all.
Sorry, Hillary. If you can't play by the rules in January, you shouldn't be allowed to change the rules in May.
(As an aside, never in my too-long life have I seen a nastier Democratic campaign that that being run by Hillary. Anyone who's that nasty, mean, spiteful, underhanded and unprincipled ...).
And so it goes.